Garden Plants

What is Artichoke and Creeping Juniper?

What is Creeping Juniper and Artichoke

What is

Life Span

Needled or Scaled Evergreen   

North America   

Green Globe, Imperial Star, Tempo, Violetto, Symphony   
Bar Harbour, Andorra Compacta, Blue Forest, Blue Chip, Douglasii, Blue Rug, Glauca, Gold Carpet, Icee Blue, Gold Carpet, J.J. Hughes, Marcellus   

Number of Varieties

Sandy areas   
Fields, Pastures, Upland soils   

USDA Hardiness Zone

AHS Heat Zone

Sunset Zone
8, 9, 14, 15, 16, 17, 18, 19, 20, 21, 22, 23, 24   
A1, A2, A3, H1, H2, 1a, 1b, 2a, 2b, 3a, 3b, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16, 17, 18, 19, 20, 21, 22, 23, 24   


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Artichoke and Creeping Juniper Life Span

Life span of any plant is the time for which a plant lives. Knowing about Artichoke and Creeping Juniper life span is important as life cycles vary and are affected by environmental and genetic factors. Life span of Artichoke is Perennial and of Creeping Juniper is Perennial. Depending upon this information one can choose the type of plant based on one’s requirements. While knowing about what is Artichoke and Creeping Juniper? One should know that, Artichoke Scientific Classification, Creeping Juniper, is different than other plants as well as their growth, habitat is different. Here, Artichoke falls under Vegetable and Creeping Juniper falls under Needled or Scaled Evergreen. You can compare other garden plants so that you can add the most desired plants to your garden design!

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Artichoke and Creeping Juniper Varieties

A lot of variety can be seen in garden plants and while comparing Artichoke and Creeping Juniper varieties; one should definitely take into consideration all the different varieties available. While designing a garden, a gardener should consider all the varieties of a particular plant type in order to have a beautiful garden. The number of Artichoke varieties are 9 and number of varieties of Creeping Juniper are 11. All these varieties grow in different growing conditions and look different from each other. There are some popular species of both these plants, which are commonly found. The popular varieties are:

What is Artichoke and Creeping Juniper?

The basic question which arises while comparing, what is Artichoke and Creeping Juniper? To know the basic difference between these two plants, you can simply compare them. This will give you the basic information about these two plants and their different properties. Basic information about any plant includes its origin and habitat. There are innumerable plants on our Earth and all these plants have different origin and different habitat. A botanist should always try to know about these basic information as much as possible. Also find out different hardiness zone and AHS heat zone for garden plants. These will only help you to expand your knowledge about plants having many species and varieties. Now you know enough about these plants, you can compare various other plants and know their characteristics.

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