Keep the ground moist but not water-logged, Requires regular watering, Requires watering in the growing season
Prefer drip-irrigation instead of Over-head watering
Prune ocassionally, Requires little pruning
Prune if you want to improve plant shape
All-Purpose Liquid Fertilizer
Fertilize in late fall, fertilize in spring, Requires high amount of nitrogen
Alternaria leaf blight, Apical chlorosis, Bacteria wilt, Bacterial leaf spot, Botrytis head rot, Charcoal rot, Crown gall, Downy mildew, Erwinia stalk rot, Fusarium stalk rot, Fusarium wilt, head rot, Phialophora yellows, Stem spot
Aphids, Bacterial Blight, Canker, Crown gall, Hoplia beetle, Leaf burn, Leaf spot, Mealybugs, Powdery mildew, Red blotch, Scorch, Soft scales, Thripes, Wetwood