Allow soil to be completely dry in between waterings, Requires watering in the growing season, Water less during winter
Prefer drip-irrigation instead of Over-head watering
Prune in late summer or fall, Remove dead or diseased plant parts
Prune if you want to improve plant shape
very little fertilizers at a time
Fertilize in late fall, fertilize in spring, Requires high amount of nitrogen
Monterey pine midge, Monterey pine needleminer, Monterey pine scale, Monterey pine shoot moth, Monterey pine tip moth, Monterey pine weevil, Needle rust, Needlecast disease, Pine needle scale, Pinewood nematode, Pitch canker, Red blotch, Red turpentine beetle, Root rot, Spider mites, Western gall rust
Aphids, Bacterial Blight, Canker, Crown gall, Hoplia beetle, Leaf burn, Leaf spot, Mealybugs, Powdery mildew, Red blotch, Scorch, Soft scales, Thripes, Wetwood