1 What is
1.1 Life Span
1.2 Type
Flowering Plants, Shrubs
1.3 Origin
China, Japan
Mexico, Central America
1.4 Types
Greenstripe Vivax, Moso, Weavers Bamboo, Oldhamii
African or American Marigolds, French Marigolds, Mule Marigolds
1.4.1 Number of Varieties
1.5 Habitat
Warmer regions
Roadsides, wastelands
1.6 USDA Hardiness Zone
1.7 AHS Heat Zone
1.8 Sunset Zone
Not Available
A1, A2, A3, H1, H2, 1a, 1b, 2a, 2b, 3a, 3b, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16, 17, 18, 19, 20, 21, 22, 23, 24
1.9 Habit
2 Information
2.1 Plant Size
2.1.1 Minimum Height
30.00 cm15.20 cm
2.1.2 Minimum Width
2.2 Plant Color
2.2.1 Flower Color
Not Available
Yellow, Red, Orange, Gold, Dark Red, Orange Red
2.2.2 Flower Color Modifier
2.2.3 Fruit Color
2.2.4 Leaf Color in Spring
2.2.5 Leaf Color in Summer
2.2.6 Leaf Color in Fall
Dark Green
Dark Green, Burgundy
2.2.7 Leaf Color in Winter
2.3 Shape
2.3.1 Leaf Shape
2.4 Thorns
3 Season
3.1 Plant Season
Not Available
Summer, Fall
3.2 Growing Conditions
3.2.1 Sunlight
Full Sun, Partial Sun, Partial shade
Full Sun
3.2.2 Growth Rate
3.2.3 Type of Soil
3.2.4 The pH of Soil
Acidic, Neutral, Alkaline
Acidic, Neutral, Alkaline
3.2.5 Soil Drainage
3.2.6 Bloom Time
Not Available
Early Summer, Summer, Late Summer, Early Fall, Fall, Late Fall
3.2.7 Repeat Bloomer
3.3 Tolerances
Wet Site, Drought
4 Care
4.1 Where to Plant?
Container, Ground
Container, Ground, Pot
4.2 How to Plant?
Grafting, Seedlings, Stem Planting, Transplanting
4.3 Plant Maintenance
4.4 Watering Plants
4.4.1 Watering Requirements
Needs watering once a week, Use Mulches to help prevent water loss during hot and windy weather, Water Deeply
Allow soil to be completely dry in between waterings, Form a Soil ring to water efficiently, Keep the ground moist but not water-logged, Water in morning to avoid prompting diseases, Water when soil is dry
4.4.2 In Summer
Lots of watering
Lots of watering
4.4.3 In Spring
4.4.4 In Winter
Average Water
Average Water
4.5 Soil
4.5.1 Soil pH
Acidic, Neutral, Alkaline
Neutral, Slightly Alkaline
4.5.2 Soil Type
4.5.3 Soil Drainage Capacity
4.6 Sun Exposure
Full Sun, Partial Sun, Partial shade
Full Sun, Part sun
4.7 Pruning
Do not prune during shooting season, Prune in late summer or fall, Remove damaged leaves
Prune ocassionally, Remove dead or diseased plant parts, Requires little pruning
4.8 Fertilizers
All-Purpose Liquid Fertilizer
All-Purpose Liquid Fertilizer
4.9 Pests and Diseases
Black sooty mold, Mealybugs, Mosaic viruses, Powdery mildew, pythogens, Stem rot
Alternaria Leaf Spot, Bacterial leaf spot, Damping-off, Gray mold, Powdery mildew, Root rot
4.10 Plant Tolerance
5 Facts
5.1 Flowers
5.1.1 Flower Petal Number
Not Available
Single, Double, Semi-Double
5.2 Fruits
5.2.1 Showy Fruit
5.2.2 Edible Fruit
5.3 Fragrance
5.3.1 Fragrant Flower
5.3.2 Fragrant Fruit
5.3.3 Fragrant Leaf
5.3.4 Fragrant Bark/Stem
5.4 Showy Foliage
5.5 Showy Bark
5.6 Foliage Texture
5.7 Foliage Sheen
5.8 Evergreen
5.9 Invasive
5.10 Self-Sowing
5.11 Attracts
Not Available
5.12 Allergy
Cyanide poisoning
no allergic reactions
6 Benefits
6.1 Uses
6.1.1 Aesthetic Uses
Showy Purposes
Showy Purposes
6.1.2 Beauty Benefits
Not Available
Not Available
6.1.3 Edible Uses
6.1.4 Environmental Uses
Air purification
Air purification
6.2 Plant Benefits
6.2.1 Medicinal Uses
Clears heat, Cold, fidgeting, Treating fever, Urinary tract problems
Burns, constipation, Inflammation, Upset stomach, Wounds
6.2.2 Part of Plant Used
Leaves, Stem
Flowers, Seeds
6.2.3 Other Uses
Application in Handicrafts, Showy Purposes, Used As Food, Used in Furniture, Used in paper industry
Can be made into a herbal tea, Decoration Purposes, Used As Food
6.3 Used As Indoor Plant
6.4 Used As Outdoor Plant
6.5 Garden Design
Hedges, Mixed Border
Bedding Plant, Edging, Foundation, Houseplant, Mixed Border
7 Scientific Name
7.1 Botanical Name
7.2 Common Name
Bamboo, Clumping Bamboo
French Marigold
7.2.1 In Hindi
7.2.2 In German
Französisch Marigold
7.2.3 In French
7.2.4 In Spanish
7.2.5 In Greek
7.2.6 In Portuguese
7.2.7 In Polish
francuski Marigold
7.2.8 In Latin
8 Classification
8.1 Kingdom
8.2 Phylum
8.3 Class
8.4 Order
8.5 Family
8.6 Genus
8.7 Clade
Not Available
Not Available
8.8 Tribe
8.9 Subfamily
Arthrostylidiinae, Arundinariinae, Bambusinae, Chusqueinae, Guaduinae, Melocanninae, Nastinae, Racemobambodinae, Shibataeinae
Not Available
8.10 Number of Species