Allow soil to be completely dry in between waterings, Water Deeply, Water less during winter
Do Not over Water, Keep ground moist
Cut or pinch the stems, Do not prune during shooting season, Prune if you want to improve plant shape, Prune prior to new growth, Remove deadheads
Requires very little pruning
fungus, Insects, Red blotch
Alternaria Leaf Spot, Anthracnose, Aphids, Bacterial soft rot, Beet armyworm, Black rot, Blackleg, Cabbage looper, Cabbageworm, Clubroot, Cutworms, Damping-off, Diamondback moth, Downy mildew, Flea Beetles, Powdery mildew, Red blotch, Ring spot, Root knot nematode, Slugs, Snails, Thripes, Watery soft rot, White mold, white rust